


我上國外的書迷討論區我想問版友請教英美口語達人教我這4句英文怎麼說?Q1"有人聽過台灣嗎?"降說可以嗎I live in Taiwan.I was wondering have you ever heard of it?Q2"我讀的是中文翻譯本,但是我想讀讀看英文原版"Atually, I've read the Chinese versions, but I want to try the original... 顯示更多 我上國外的書迷討論區我想問版友 請教英美口語達人教我這4句英文怎麼說? Q1"有人聽過台灣嗎?"降說可以嗎 I live in Taiwan. I was wondering have you ever heard of it? Q2"我讀的是中文翻譯本,但是我想讀讀看英文原版" Atually, I've read the Chinese versions, but I want to try the original one. Q3"不知道英文版的用字遣詞適合我這種英文程度的人閱讀嗎?" Q4"若我看了英文版的有不懂的特殊道地用語,可否來這裡問大家?" If I have words problems when I read the English versions, can I come and ask you gals? 麻煩達人們的教導~^6^


Q1"有人聽過台灣嗎?"降說可以嗎 I live in Taiwan. I was wondering have you ever heard of it? 第二句要改成I was wondering if you have ever heard of it? 或Have you ever heard of Taiwan? Q2"我讀的是中文翻譯本,但是我想讀讀看英文原版" Atually, I've read the Chinese versions, but I want to try the original one. 可改成I've read the Chinese translation, but I want to try to read the original version. Q3"不知道英文版的用字遣詞適合我這種英文程度的人閱讀嗎?" Is there a version with vocabulary suitable for my level of English (to read)? Q4"若我看了英文版的有不懂的特殊道地用語,可否來這裡問大家?" If I have words problems when I read the English versions, can I come and ask you gals? words problems = 要改成word problems gals = 女生們,你的對象只有女生嗎 句子可改成 If I have problems with the English usage, can I come and ask you all?


Q1... I was wondering if there's anyone who has ever heard about Taiwan. or Has anyone heard about Taiwan? Q2.I've read the Chinese version, but I really like to try the English one. Q3. I don't know if the wording of the English version would be difc語言程式下載ficult for me? Q4. If yes. Would it be okay for me to ask for help here?3A11B16A9FCDDCC2

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